Improving performance by
making work more human

MAKING SHIFT HAPPEN is a boutique organisational development consultancy, focused on improving performance by making work more human. We use a combined head-and-heart approach to solve workplace challenges. We inspire organisations and leaders to thrive in today’s rapidly changing business world, and deliver customised, dynamic, and highly engaging coaching and training experiences to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:

  • Leadership development
  • Team effectiveness
  • Innovation
  • Inclusion
  • Workplace wellbeing
  • Change management initiatives
  • Creation of successful culture & business strategies

We deliver high-impact sessions both in-person and
in virtual environments, and have resources in Europe
and in the United States.

Jay Chopra PhD

Christine Sutton

Sharon Murphy

Aoife O’Dwyer

David O’Mahony

Mary Clavieres

Emer Harrington

Anne Mahler PhD

Eamon Foley

Kim McGaw

Making Shift Happen was founded in 2016 by Jay Chopra, PhD and David O’Mahony.


The Making Shift Happen Team are passionate about increasing performance by making work more human. Since the start of the company, Making Shift Happen has grown into a boutique consultancy that mainly works internationally with blue-chip clients.

Want to know more about making work more human?


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